== Time & Location == Mondays 1:30pm-3pm, Gatsby 3th floor seminar room at Sainsbury Wellcome Centre 46 Cleveland Street. London. W1T 4JG. == Calendar == ^ Date ^ Presenter ^ Topic ^ Reading ^ Supplement ^ | 26 Sep 2016 | Joana | Bayesian model selection and information criteria | | | | 19 Sep 2016 | Aapo | Unsupervised Feature Extraction by Time-Contrastive Learning and Nonlinear ICA | [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1605.06336|Hyvarinen & Morioka, 2016]] | | | 5 Sep 2016 | Wittawat | Gaussian Process Random Fields | [[http://papers.nips.cc/paper/5874-gaussian-process-random-fields|Moore & Russell, 2015]] | | | 25 July 2016 | Arthur | Training Input-Output Recurrent Neural Networks through Spectral Methods | [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.00954|Sedghi & Anandkumar, 2016]] | | | 18 July 2016 | Gergo | Geometry of nonlinear least squares with applications to sloppy models and optimization | [[http://journals.aps.org/pre/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevE.83.036701|Transtrum et al., 2011]] | | | 11 July 2016 | Vincent | A Unifying Framework for Sparse Gaussian Process Approximation using Power Expectation Propagation | [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1605.07066|Bui et al., 2016]] | | | 27 June 2016 | Zoltan | General notions of statistical depth function | [[https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.aos/1016218226|Zuo & Serfling, 2000]] | {{file:zoltan_szabo_mljc_depth_function_26_06_2016.pdf|slides}} | | 20 June 2016 | Heiko | Noise-Contrastive Estimation of Unnormalized Statistical Models, with Applications to Natural Image Statistics | [[http://www.jmlr.org/papers/v13/gutmann12a.html|Gutmann & Hyvarinen, 2012]] | | 13 June 2016 | Alex | A Mathematical Motivation for Complex-Valued Convolutional Networks | [[http://cognet.mit.edu/journal/10.1162/NECO_a_00824|Tygert et. al., 2016]] | | 6 June 2016 | Fredrik | Understanding predictive information criteria for Bayesian models, Bayesian leave-one-out cross-validation approximations for Gaussian latent variable models| [[http://www.stat.columbia.edu/~gelman/research/published/waic_understand3.pdf|Gelman et. al., 2013]], [[http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.7461v3.pdf|Vehtari et. al., 2016]] | | 23 May 2016 | Wittawat | Bayesian Learning of Kernel Embeddings | [[http://arxiv.org/abs/1603.02160|Flaxman et. al., 2016]] | | 9 May 2016 | Carlos | Estimation theory for stochastic gradient descent | - | | 25 Apr 2016 | Kevin Li | A Probabilistic Theory of Deep Learning | [[http://arxiv.org/abs/1504.00641|Patel et. al., 2015]] | | 18 Apr 2016 | Vincent | Generalized Additive Models: An Introduction with R | [[https://www.crcpress.com/Generalized-Additive-Models-An-Introduction-with-R/Wood/9781584884743|Wood 2006]] | | 11 Apr 2016 | Maneesh | On Autoencoders and Score Matching for Energy Based Models | [[http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~ranzato/publications/Swersky_icml2011.pdf|Swersky et. al., 2011]] | | 4 Apr 2016 | Zoltan | Nonparametric Independence Testing for Small Sample Sizes | [[http://www.ijcai.org/Proceedings/15/Papers/531.pdf|Ramdas & Wehbe, 2015]] | [[http://www.gatsby.ucl.ac.uk/~szabo/talks/MLJC_talk_Gatsby/Zoltan_Szabo_MLJC_cov_shrinkage_04_04_2016.pdf|slides]] | | 21 Mar 2016 | Heiko | Learning Structured Densities via Infinite Dimensional Exponential Families | [[http://papers.nips.cc/paper/6006-learning-structured-densities-via-infinite-dimensional-exponential-families|Sun et al., 2015]] | | | 29 Feb 2016 | Wittawat | Bayesian Indirect Inference Using a Parametric Auxiliary Model | [[http://arxiv.org/abs/1505.03372|Drovandi et al., 2015]] | {{file:abc_indirect_inference.pdf|slides}} | | 15 Feb 2016 | Song Liu | Estimating Density Ratio: Learning Changes of Patterns | [[http://www.ism.ac.jp/~liu/|Song Liu's homepage]] | {{file:song_liu_density_ratio.pdf|slides}} | | 8 Feb 2016 | Vincent | MCMC for Variationally Sparse Gaussian Processes | [[http://papers.nips.cc/paper/5875-mcmc-for-variationally-sparse-gaussian-processes|Hensman et al., 2015]] | | | 11 Jan 2016 | Zoltan | Automatic differentiation | [[http://arxiv.org/abs/1502.05767|Baydin et al., 2015]], [[http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs11075-015-0067-6.pdf|Hoffmann 2015]] | {{file:autodiff.pdf|slides}} | | 30 Nov 2015 | Vincent | On Sparse variational methods and the Kullback-Leibler divergence between stochastic processes | [[http://arxiv.org/abs/1504.07027|Matthews et al., 2015]] | | | 23 Nov 2015 | Wittawat | On the High-dimensional Power of Linear-time Kernel Two-Sample Testing under Mean-difference Alternatives | [[http://arxiv.org/abs/1411.6314|Ramdas et al., 2014]] | | | 16 Nov 2015 | Heiko | NYTRO: When Subsampling Meets Early Stopping | [[http://arxiv.org/abs/1510.05684|Angles et al., 2015]] | | | 9 Nov 2015 | Arthur | What Regularized Auto-Encoders Learn from the Data Generating Distribution | [[http://arxiv.org/abs/1211.4246|Alain & Bengio, 2012]] | | | 2 Nov 2015 | Zoltan | Kernels Based Tests with Non-asymptotic Bootstrap Approaches for Two-sample Problems | [[http://jmlr.org/proceedings/papers/v23/fromont12/fromont12.pdf|Fromont et al., 2012]] | [[http://www.gatsby.ucl.ac.uk/~szabo/talks/MLJC_talk_Gatsby/Zoltan_Szabo_MLJC_Kernel_Nonasymptotic_Bootstrap.pdf|slides]] | | 26 Oct 2015 | Mijung | Robust and Private Bayesian Inference | [[http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~aikmitr/papers/ALT2014.pdf|Dimitrakakis et al., 2014]] | | | 19 Oct 2015 **(cancelled)** | Maneesh | Bayesian measures of model complexity and fit | [[http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1467-9868.00353/abstract;jsessionid=392A09611F04594407902DE4CCDAB9B7.f02t02|Spiegelhalter et al., 2002]] | | | 12 Oct 2015 | Wittawat | Estimating Mutual Information by Local Gaussian Approximation | [[http://auai.org/uai2015/proceedings/papers/224.pdf|Gao et al., 2015]] | | | 5 Oct 2015 | Kacper | Optimal Detection of Sparse Principal Components in High Dimension | [[http://arxiv.org/pdf/1202.5070.pdf|Berthet and Rigollet, 2015]] | | | 4 Aug 2015 | Wittawat | Landmarking Manifolds with Gaussian Processes | [[http://jmlr.org/proceedings/papers/v37/liang15.html|Liang and Paisley, 2015]] | {{file:landmarking_manifolds_gp.pdf|slides}} | | 20 July 2015 | Tom | Safe Exploration for Optimization with Gaussian Processes| [[http://jmlr.org/proceedings/papers/v37/sui15.pdf|Sui et al., 2015]] | | | 29 June 2015 (1-19 Torrington Place Room 102 Statistics Lecture Room from 1-3pm) | Anna Choromanska | The Loss Surfaces of Multilayer Networks | [[http://www.columbia.edu/~aec2163/NonFlash/|homepage]] | | | 17 June 2015 (Wed) at 14:30 | Arthur, Heiko | Stochastic Gradient Hamiltonian Monte Carlo | [[http://jmlr.org/proceedings/papers/v32/cheni14.html|Chen et al., 2014]] | | | 8 June 2015 | Heiko | Hamiltonian ABC | [[http://arxiv.org/abs/1503.01916|Meeds et al., 2015]] | {{file:hamiltonian_abc.pdf|slides}} | | 18 May 2015 | Wittawat | Deep Exponential Families | [[http://jmlr.org/proceedings/papers/v38/ranganath15.html|Ranganath et al., 2015]] | {{file:deep_expfam.pdf|slides}} | | 11 May 2015 | Maneesh | Section 7: Convex Relaxations and Upper Bounds| Graphical Models, ExpFam, Variational Inference by [[https://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~wainwrig/Papers/WaiJor08_FTML.pdf|Wainwright & Jordan, 2008]] | | | 27 April 2015 | Kacper | Section 6: Variational Methods in Parameter Estimation| Graphical Models, ExpFam, Variational Inference by [[https://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~wainwrig/Papers/WaiJor08_FTML.pdf|Wainwright & Jordan, 2008]] | | | 20 April 2015 | Wittawat | Section 5: Mean field methods | Graphical Models, ExpFam, Variational Inference by [[https://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~wainwrig/Papers/WaiJor08_FTML.pdf|Wainwright & Jordan, 2008]] | {{file:waijor_mean_field.pdf|slides}} | | 23 Mar 2015 | Vincent | Section 4.3: Expectation propagation | Graphical Models, ExpFam, Variational Inference by [[https://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~wainwrig/Papers/WaiJor08_FTML.pdf|Wainwright & Jordan, 2008]] | {{file:waijor_4.3_vincent.pdf|slides}} | | 12 Mar 2015 (16:00) | Zoltan | Proof of random Fourier features | [[http://papers.nips.cc/paper/3182-random-features-for-large-scale-kernel-machines.pdf|Random features (Rahimi & Recht)]] | {{file:zoltan_szabo_mljc_rnd_kitchen_sinks_12_03_2015.pdf|slides}} | | 2 Mar 2015 | - | No meeting. UAI deadline. Cosyne. | | | | 23 Feb 2015 | Vincent, Alessandro | Section 4.1, 4.2: Bethe-Kikuchi | Graphical Models, ExpFam, Variational Inference by [[https://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~wainwrig/Papers/WaiJor08_FTML.pdf|Wainwright & Jordan, 2008]] | {{file:vincent_alex_4.2.pdf|slides}} | | 16 Feb 2015 | Wittawat, Heiko | Chapter 3, 4.1: Sum-Product, Bethe | Graphical Models, ExpFam, Variational Inference by [[https://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~wainwrig/Papers/WaiJor08_FTML.pdf|Wainwright & Jordan, 2008]] | {{file:waijor_bethe_kikuchi_mljc.pdf|slides}} | | 9 Feb 2015 | Maneesh | Chapter 3: Graphical Models as Exponential Families | Graphical Models, ExpFam, Variational Inference by [[https://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~wainwrig/Papers/WaiJor08_FTML.pdf|Wainwright & Jordan, 2008]] | [[http://www.gatsby.ucl.ac.uk/teaching/courses/ml1-2014/lect11-handout.pdf|Maneesh's lecture slides]] | | 26 Jan 2015 | Tom, Maneesh | Chapter 1-3: Background on variational inference | Graphical Models, ExpFam, Variational Inference by [[https://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~wainwrig/Papers/WaiJor08_FTML.pdf|Wainwright & Jordan, 2008]] | {{file:wainwrightandjordanch2_tom.pdf|Tom's slides}} | | 20 Jan 2015 | All | General meeting | | . | | 24 Nov 2014 | Arthur, Zoltan, Tom | NIPS preview | Arthur on [[http://arxiv.org/pdf/1312.6184v7.pdf|Ba & Caruana, NIPS 2014]], Zoltan on [[http://machinelearning.wustl.edu/mlpapers/papers/icml2014c2_yangc14|Yang et. al., ICML 2014]], Tom on [[http://arxiv.org/pdf/1406.4905.pdf|Frigola et. al., NIPS 2014]] | {{file:zoltan_szabo_mljc_elementary_estimators_24_11_2014.pdf|Slides by Zoltan}} | | 17 Nov 2014 | Mijung | Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes | [[http://www.ics.uci.edu/%7Ewelling/publications/papers/AEVB_ICLR14.pdf|Kingma & Welling, 2013]] | | | 3 Nov 2014 | - | No meeting | CSML Master class by Sham Kakade. [[http://www.csml.ucl.ac.uk/events/series/20|event page]]. | | | 27 Oct 2014 | Tom | A Spectral Algorithm for Learning Hidden Markov Models. | [[http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/skakade/papers/ml/LearnHMM.pdf|Hsu et. al., 2009]] | | | 20 Oct 2014 | Zoltan | Scalable Kernel Methods via Doubly Stochastic Gradients | [[http://arxiv.org/abs/1407.5599|Dai et. al., 2014]] | {{file:zoltan_szabo_mljc_doublystochgrad_20_10_2014.pdf|Zoltan's slides}} | | 13 Oct 2014 | Maneesh | spectral methods for latent time series models, SSID, spectral HMM | [[http://www.gatsby.ucl.ac.uk/teaching/courses/ml1-2013/lect4-handout.pdf|ML course slides]] | | | 6 Oct 2014 | Balaji | The Consensus Monte Carlo Algorithm | [[http://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/en//pubs/archive/41849.pdf|Scott et. al., 2013 ]] | | | 29 Sep 2014 | MLJC members | Meeting | | | | 21 Aug 2014 | Vincent | Gaussian Processes for Underdetermined Source Separation | [[http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=5720325|Liutkus, A. et. al., 2011 ]] | | | 14 Aug 2014 | Dino, Balaji, Heiko | Firefly Monte Carlo: Exact MCMC with Subsets of Data | [[http://hips.seas.harvard.edu/files/maclaurin-firefly-uai-2014.pdf|Maclaurin & Adams, 2014]] | | | 7 Aug 2014 | Laurence | Bayesian Learning via Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics | [[http://www.gatsby.ucl.ac.uk/~ywteh/research/compstats/WelTeh2011a.pdf|Welling & Teh, 2011 (ICML)]] | | | (2pm) 31 July 2014 | Mijung | Distributed Stochastic Gradient MCMC | [[http://jmlr.org/proceedings/papers/v32/ahn14.html|Ahn et al., 2014 (ICML)]] | | | 23,30 May, 6 June 2014 | - | No meeting | (preparation for NIPS) | | | 16 May 2014 | Zoltan | Fastfood (Fast kernel approximation methods) | [[http://jmlr.org/proceedings/papers/v28/le13-supp.pdf|Fastfood (Le et al., 2013)]] | {{file:zoltan_szabo_mljc_fastfood_16_05_2014.pdf|Slides by Zoltan}} | | 9 May 2014 | Dino, Arthur | Random features & Random kitchen sinks | [[http://papers.nips.cc/paper/3182-random-features-for-large-scale-kernel-machines.pdf|Random features (Rahimi & Recht)]]. [[http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~brecht/papers/08.rah.rec.nips.pdf|Random kitchen sinks (Rahimi & Recht)]] |{{file:randomfeaturesrahimirecht.pdf|Random features by Arthur}}, {{file:kitchen_sinks.pdf|Random kitchen sinks by Dino}} | | 18 Apr 2014 | - | No meeting. UCL Easter closure. | | | | 11 Apr 2014 | - | No meeting. | | | | 4 Apr 2014 | Balaji | Variational Learning of Inducing Variables in Sparse Gaussian Processes | [[http://jmlr.org/proceedings/papers/v5/titsias09a/titsias09a.pdf|Titsias 2009 (AISTATS)]] | [[http://www.aueb.gr/users/mtitsias/papers/BARK08titsias.pdf|slides]] | | 28 Mar 2014 | Heiko | Bayesian Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model | [[http://jmlr.org/proceedings/papers/v9/titsias10a/titsias10a.pdf|Titsias & Lawrence 2010 (AISTATS)]] | {{file:bayesian_gaussian_process_latent_variable_model.pdf|slides}} |