Hadamard Product to trace() of Matrix Product
\(\newcommand{\diag}{\operatorname{diag}} \newcommand{\trace}{\operatorname{tr}}\)
There is an interesting matrix formula in a summary sheet by Thomas P. Minka titled Old and New Matrix Algebra Useful for Statistics. The formula is the following:
\(x^\top (A \circ B) y = \trace( (\diag(x)A)^\top B\diag(y))\),
where \(A, B\) are matrices of the same size but not necessarily square, and \(x, y\) are vectors of appropriate size. What is interesting about this formula is that it eliminates the Hadamard product and turns it into a trace of product of matrices.
One way to see that the formula is valid is to note that
\(x^\top (A \circ B) y = \sum_i \sum_j x_i a_{ij} y_j b_{ij}\),
which is equal to the sum of element-wise product of \(A\) and \(B\) with the \(i^{th}\) row of \(A\) weighted by \(x_i\), and the \(j^{th}\) column of \(B\) weighted by \(y_j\). Now, \(\diag(x)A\) is nothing more than \(A\) with the \(i^{th}\) row weighted by \(x_i\). Likewise, \(B\diag(y)\) is just \(B\) with each column weighted by \(y_j\). So,
\(\text{tr}( (\diag(x)A)^\top B\diag(y)) = \sum_i \sum_j x_i a_{ij} y_j b_{ij}\),
where we used the fact that \(\trace(C^\top D)\) is the sum of the element-wise product of \(C\) and \(D\). As an extra note, it should be obvious that \(\trace(C^\top D) = \boldsymbol{1}^\top (C \circ D) \boldsymbol{1}\).