Wittawat Jitkrittum is a research scientist at Google Research. From 2018 to 2020, he was a postdoctoral researcher working with Bernhard Schoelkopf at Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tuebingen, Germany. He earned his PhD in 2017 from Gatsby Unit, University College London with a thesis on informative features for comparing distributions. He received a best paper award at NeurIPS 2017 and the ELLIS PhD award 2019 for outstanding dissertation. Wittawat has broad research interests covering kernel methods, deep generative models, and approximate Bayesian inference. He served as a publication chair for AISTATS 2016, a program committee for NeurIPS, ICML, AISTATS, among others, and is a co-organizer of the Machine Learning Summer School 2020, the Southeast Asia Machine Learning School (SEAMLS 2019) in Indonesia and a co-organizer of the Machine Learning Research School (MLRS) in Thailand.

Wittawat’s CV (compact version) can be found here.